So, we had a rally in Grapevine yesterday. A rally for free and fair elections and to support President Trump. It was well attended and there was a lot of joy in fellowshipping with like-minded patriots. We were flag waving, smiling, singing, and praying all while walking down Main Street towards the 114 overpass. We had so many honks, waves, shouts of encouragement all around us for most of the rally. Even though we had a few people flip us the bird or scream obscenities at us, our excitement did not decline. We were buoyed by the others around us. The Democrats keep saying “No Hate Here” and “Love is Love” and “Kindness is Everything”. So when I was cursed at or flipped off I responded with a hearty shout of “I love you!” and blew kisses to them. Not sure they were received in the spirit which I sent them but at least I tried Today, one of the people attending the rally posted a brief video on NextDoor and titled it Patriots Gathered Today. From the response you would have thought we were murdering people in the streets in that video. The extreme hate, vitriol, and offensive comments were shocking since these are the people who claim to be tolerant and loving. I knew the post would be banned and so it was after just 6 short hours. (I did save the entire thread –if I’m going to be on a list then I’ll have my own lists to which I may need to refer.) Are we being persecuted for our beliefs? Yes and it’s certainly not new in America or the world. And if the Dems get the White House I hear that the persecution will be stepped up tremendously. Have you heard, “No Jab, No Job”? which says that if you refuse the covid vaccine you will not be allowed to work. Normally, I would be irritated, angry, saddened, threatened, etc… by us being persecuted but the message below tells me maybe I should be rejoicing! One of the greatest paradoxes in Christian history is that the church is most pure in times of cultural hostility. When things are easy and good, that is when the church most often goes astray. When Christianity seems identical with the culture and even when the church seems to be enjoying its greatest earthly success, then it is weakest. Conversely, when the church encounters hardship, persecution, and suffering… then it is closest to its crucified Lord, then there are fewer hypocrites and nominal believers among its members, and then the faith of Christians burns most intensely. - Gene Edward Veith I know that my faith has grown this year and I've walked more closely with the Lord. I know that it is more important than ever to me that I seek His will and His guidance in everything I do and say. Maybe that’s true for you as well. We all see that many churches look just like the world and we pray that will change. Well, maybe that’s exactly what is happening right now! You have already been set free! 2 Peter 2:19 – They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. The second chapter of Peter’s second epistle shines a bright light on false teachers, manipulators, and those who make false promises. God wants you to be clearly warned of those who would seek to influence your mind into having you believe or do what you might not otherwise have thought or done. In other words, God does not want you to fall for deception. “See that no one deceives you,” Jesus said in Matthew 24. Today’s verse in 2 Peter says these deceivers promise you freedom, but it is a freedom they themselves do not have. Galatians 5:1 says that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. As with generalized freedom in America, your freedom in Christ gives you the liberty to make many decisions for yourself. The best choice you can make is as you are instructed in James 4:7, to willfully submit yourself to the loving hands of God. Having done that, and living in the abundance of His grace, your challenge is not to turn your freedom into selfish opportunities, but through it serve one another (Galatians 5:13). When you received Jesus as Savior, you also received the Holy Spirit. He is a guide and teacher and will bring to your mind the power of discernment and instruct you on living in righteous freedom. Holy God, You have given us so much liberty, and it is often taken for granted by us, especially living in America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Set a guard on our minds so that we can be aware of the false teachers. Draw our eyes back to You and back to the truth. In these days of so many politicians and commentators wanting to influence the nation, keep us from falling for deception. Grant that we might live righteously before You and others, in Jesus’ Name, Amen. PRAY: For the leading of the Holy Spirit in discerning what is true.
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Why pray?Lifting our elections up to the Lord helps all of us keep the focus on the most important topics as well as softens our hearts to love everyone, even those with whom we may disagree. Believing differently shouldn't stop us from sharing God's love and His Word with others. Archives
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